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Program Info

Select Hockey is the perfect balance between community House League participation and competitive hockey!

Welcome to your home for Select hockey!

If your child loves House League and is ready for more ice time and more competition – that’s what Select hockey is for. It gives House League players aged 9 and older the opportunity to enjoy all the community benefits of House League along with the experience of representing North Toronto in the city-wide North York Hockey League.

Select teams will play approximately 18-20 games in a season, plus an end-of-season round-robin tournament or playoff series. There is no body-checking allowed in Select hockey and all NT Select competitive teams follow a Fair and Equal ice time policy.

Select is unique because players who tryout for and make a Select team continue to play in House League but will have additional weekly team practices and games. Select teams also enter 3 weekend tournaments each season, and some can be ‘away’, usually outside of the GTA. Joining a Select team is like joining a new hockey family and many life-long relationships are formed through this amazing experience!

Each season North Toronto forms Select Teams in all divisions from U10 (under 10 years old) – U18 (Under 18).

Click on the tabs below for more information on tryouts, coaches and general Select program info. For information on a specific team, please contact the coach or

Planning for Your Family


What is the time commitment?

In addition to a weekly House League session on the weekend, Select players 9 years old and older, should expect to be on the ice an additional 2-3 hours for a total of 3-4 sessions per week as follows:

  1. Select Practice 1 – On either Saturday/Sunday or a weeknight at a local rink (but not NT Arena).
  2. Select Practice 2 – Some teams may have a second practice on privately purchased ice. Times/dates depend on team ability to secure ice.
  3. Select League Game – Approximately once per week usually scheduled on any day other than the House League day/practice days. Games take place throughout the GTA .

In addition, most teams will participate in about 3 weekend tournaments, one of which is usually outside of Toronto.

When does the season start and end?

NYHL Select games begin in October and end in April.

Will there be games on holidays and March Break?

The NYHL will not schedule any games on Thanksgiving weekend, portions of the Christmas break (usually between Dec 23 – Jan 2), Family Day and Easter weekend. Select playoff games will not run during the public school March Break.

Why North Toronto Hockey?

Costs &

What is the team fee?

In addition to House League fees, players will be responsible for Team Fees of approximately $2,500 – $3,000, usually payable in two instalments (June & September).

What's included?
  • Weekly practice ice, NYHL registration/team entry fees, tournament entry fees.
  • Approximately 20 regular-season games as well as all playoffs
  • A home/away set of high-quality North Toronto competitive jerseys/socks.
  • A custom North Toronto souvenir photo package with Team and Individual photos/plaques.
  • The team fee does NOT include travel expenses, equipment, or NYHL gate fees (generally $445/player).
  • Financial assistance may be available through your Team Manager to cover a portion of the Team Fee.

Explaining the Structure


2025-26 Coach Information

U10, 2016
Charlie Clark,

U11, 2015
Mike Baker,

U12, 2014
Mark Cooper,

U13, 2013
Tim McGuire,

U14, 2012
Brendan Barry,

U15, 2011
Jon Davies,

U16 RED, 2010
Tamara Curtis,

U16 GREEN, 2010
Steven Caplan,

U17, 2009
Nick Saccone,

U18, 2008
Johnny Mee,

For all other Select information, please contact

Coaching Forms and Resources

Coaching Forms and Resources can be found here.

Game Schedules

Schedules and arena locations can be found on the North York Hockey League Game Centre.

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
–Phil Jackson

Player Evaluations & Select Rules

2025-26 Select Player Evaluations

At North Toronto, all Select teams will hold an open tryout each Spring for the following years roster and team. Interested players and returning players from each age group U10-U18 for the upcoming season should be registered for the North Toronto House League program and check back here for the scheduled tryout dates and locations in the Spring. Tryouts usually run in mid-May, after single A tryouts have concluded.

*ALL tryout participants must be registered for North Toronto House League prior to the tryout date.

Below is the list of the scheduled tryouts for all North Toronto Select teams U10-U18 for the 2025-26 season. While tryouts are open, you must be registered for North Toronto House League prior to attending and we suggest you contact the coach listed below indicating your intention to tryout.

Age /CategoryDateArenaTimeCoach

2025-26 Select Rules

1. In order to try out for any NT Select Team you must be registered in House League and your registration must be ACCEPTED prior to the try out dates. (Even if you were registered in and played at NT the previous year, you must still register for House League and be accepted for the new season to be eligible for any tryouts.) You are automatically eligible to tryout if you have a confirmed HL registration. Players without a valid HL registration will not be allowed to tryout.

2. A player may only try out for a team that matches his/her birth year.

3. GTHL Rule 7.12 requires that your child must be registered with only one hockey club/House League at any given time. Players found to be registered with multiple clubs/associations may be declared ineligible from playing Select at NT even if they are chosen for a team. Any Select team fees paid may also be forfeited.


Our goal in the Select program is to develop as many players as possible equally and fairly. This means that our teams will attempt to fill up to 15 skaters and 2 goalies if enough suitable players are available.

In addition, teams can elect to offer up to 4 development positions to a Taxi/Practice squad player who did not make the regular roster.

For a substantially reduced fee, players on the Taxi/practice squad attend all practices, receive uniforms and may fill in for regular roster players in games or tournaments as needed.

13.1 Select Player Attendance in House League Games – Regular Season
The NTHA Select program usually has great success in large part because of the size and strength of the NTHA House League. Accordingly the Select Committee will not permit anything which will reduce the importance of our House League play.
Players are to be reminded by the coaching staff that their involvement in the Select program is a privilege afforded to those who regularly play in House League. The NYHL requires that all Select players play in at least 2/3 of their House League games. The 1/3 allowable missed games include illness, away tournaments and all other activities. Our House League has a minimum of 16 games/skills events per season and as such no more than 6 games may be missed in total. At the beginning of the season the House League committee will be provided with a list of all Select players by division to facilitate the taking of attendance.
The Select Committee, in conjunction with the House League Committee will be implementing the following guideline for House League attendance:
• Players missing more than two consecutive games (not due to illness/injury) may, at the discretion of the Select Committee, be suspended for their next Select game (NYHL OR tournament).
• Players missing more than 6 House League games during the season (not due to illness/ injury) may at the discretion of the NTHA, be subject to suspensions that may include part of – or the rest of – the Select season including playoffs.
• Such suspensions will not result in any reimbursement of fees.
Any extended House League absence should be reported to the Select Chair for possible exclusion from these rules before the absences take place. That is, if a family has future circumstances which should be considered, it would be appreciated if we were notified ahead of the absence.

13.2 Select Player Attendance in House League Games – Playoffs
Although very undesirable, it may happen that NYHL and HL playoff schedules result in conflicts. In these cases, the same attendance rules apply as for local tournaments (section 13.3 above). Again, Coaches cannot instruct their teams to skip HL games if there is reasonably sufficient travel time to make both games. Competitive hockey players of any age should be able to play two hockey games in one day and they often do in tournaments. Holding players back from participating on a team they have played with all season goes against the spirit of fun and teamwork that is so important to the NT hockey programs.

The well-being of our players is paramount at North Toronto Hockey. Please review our Code of Conduct to ensure compliance for both you and your child.

Read full Code of Conduct

North Toronto Hockey will enforce similar suspension policies for players in house league that are currently used in the NYHL.

Suspension as a result of House League play will affect a player’s Select participation such that:

  • Suspensions of 2 or fewer games (excluding the game in which the infraction occurred) in House League will result in a Select game suspension for their next NYHL game. This will not affect Select practice or tournament play.
  • Suspensions of 3 games in House League will result in the suspension of the player for the next 2 NYHL select games or sanctioned tournament games.
  • Suspensions of 4 games or more in House League will be matched by an equal number of NYHL select games. The Select and HL Committee may, at their discretion, apply other suspensions (eg. miss tournament games) if infraction warrants.

Additionally a Select player not appropriately participating in House League can have his privilege to participate in the Select Program suspended.

Player suspensions as a result of Select play will affect a player’s House League participation:

  • Suspensions of 2 or fewer games (excluding the game of the infraction) in the NYHL will result in a House League game suspension for the next House League game subsequent to the ruling. This will not affect House League practice/skills activity.
  • Suspensions of 3 games (excluding the game of the infraction) in the NYHL will result in a House League suspension of 2 games. This will not affect House League practice activity
  • Suspension of 4 or more games in NYHL will be matched in House League play or will remain in place until the NYHL suspension has been fully served, whichever comes first. During this suspension the player is not to participate in any House League games.

The equalization of House League and Select Suspensions where the suspension totals 4 games or more may be appealed to the appropriate House League and/or Select Committee.
For suspensions of 1 year or more, the player is suspended from all Select Hockey. The Discipline Committee shall determine whether the player may resume play in the House League.

Suspensions will be communicated to players/parents by the respective coaches or House League Division convenor. Coaches will receive the instruction from the Select Committee, the House League Committee or the appropriate House League Division Convenor as appropriate.

Players Wanted!

DivisionContactPositionPlayer wantedImport spot available?

2024-25 Select Rules

Registration & Eligibility

1. In order to try out for any NT Select Team you must be registered in House League and your registration must be ACCEPTED prior to the try out dates. (Even if you were registered in and played at NT the previous year, you must still register for House League and be accepted for the new season to be eligible for any tryouts.) You are automatically eligible to tryout if you have a confirmed HL registration. Players without a valid HL registration will not be allowed to tryout.

2. A player may only try out for a team that matches his/her birth year.

3. GTHL Rule 7.12 requires that your child must be registered with only one hockey club/House League at any given time. Players found to be registered with multiple clubs/associations may be declared ineligible from playing Select at NT even if they are chosen for a team. Any Select team fees paid may also be forfeited.

Rosters & Player Development

Our goal in the Select program is to develop as many players as possible equally and fairly. This means that our teams will attempt to fill up to 15 skaters and 2 goalies if enough suitable players are available.

In addition, all teams may offer up to 4 Alternate Player development positions to players who do not make the regular roster squad if players are available.

For a substantially reduced fee, Alternate Players attend all practices, receive uniforms and fill in for regular roster players in games as needed. Most Alternate Players go on to become regular roster players the following season. For more information, please contact

House League Mandatory

13.1 Select Player Attendance in House League Games – Regular Season
The NTHA Select program usually has great success in large part because of the size and strength of the NTHA House League. Accordingly the Select Committee will not permit anything which will reduce the importance of our House League play.
Players are to be reminded by the coaching staff that their involvement in the Select program is a privilege afforded to those who regularly play in House League. The NYHL requires that all Select players play in at least 2/3 of their House League games. The 1/3 allowable missed games include illness, away tournaments and all other activities. Our House League has a minimum of 16 games/skills events per season and as such no more than 6 games may be missed in total. At the beginning of the season the House League committee will be provided with a list of all Select players by division to facilitate the taking of attendance.
The Select Committee, in conjunction with the House League Committee will be implementing the following guideline for House League attendance:
• Players missing more than two consecutive games (not due to illness/injury) may, at the discretion of the Select Committee, be suspended for their next Select game (NYHL OR tournament).
• Players missing more than 6 House League games during the season (not due to illness/ injury) may at the discretion of the NTHA, be subject to suspensions that may include part of – or the rest of – the Select season including playoffs.
• Such suspensions will not result in any reimbursement of fees.
Any extended House League absence should be reported to the Select Chair for possible exclusion from these rules before the absences take place. That is, if a family has future circumstances which should be considered, it would be appreciated if we were notified ahead of the absence.

13.2 Select Player Attendance in House League Games – Playoffs
Although very undesirable, it may happen that NYHL and HL playoff schedules result in conflicts. In these cases, the same attendance rules apply as for local tournaments (section 13.3 above). Again, Coaches cannot instruct their teams to skip HL games if there is reasonably sufficient travel time to make both games. Competitive hockey players of any age should be able to play two hockey games in one day and they often do in tournaments. Holding players back from participating on a team they have played with all season goes against the spirit of fun and teamwork that is so important to the NT hockey programs.

Code of Conduct

The well-being of our players is paramount at North Toronto Hockey. Please review our Code of Conduct to ensure compliance for both you and your child.

Read full Code of Conduct

House League Initiated Suspensions

North Toronto Hockey will enforce similar suspension policies for players in house league that are currently used in the NYHL.

Suspension as a result of House League play will affect a player’s Select participation such that:

  • Suspensions of 2 or fewer games (excluding the game in which the infraction occurred) in House League will result in a Select game suspension for their next NYHL game. This will not affect Select practice or tournament play.
  • Suspensions of 3 games in House League will result in the suspension of the player for the next 2 NYHL select games or sanctioned tournament games.
  • Suspensions of 4 games or more in House League will be matched by an equal number of NYHL select games. The Select and HL Committee may, at their discretion, apply other suspensions (eg. miss tournament games) if infraction warrants.

Additionally a Select player not appropriately participating in House League can have his privilege to participate in the Select Program suspended.

NYHL Initiated Suspensions

Player suspensions as a result of Select play will affect a player’s House League participation:

  • Suspensions of 2 or fewer games (excluding the game of the infraction) in the NYHL will result in a House League game suspension for the next House League game subsequent to the ruling. This will not affect House League practice/skills activity.
  • Suspensions of 3 games (excluding the game of the infraction) in the NYHL will result in a House League suspension of 2 games. This will not affect House League practice activity
  • Suspension of 4 or more games in NYHL will be matched in House League play or will remain in place until the NYHL suspension has been fully served, whichever comes first. During this suspension the player is not to participate in any House League games.

The equalization of House League and Select Suspensions where the suspension totals 4 games or more may be appealed to the appropriate House League and/or Select Committee.
For suspensions of 1 year or more, the player is suspended from all Select Hockey. The Discipline Committee shall determine whether the player may resume play in the House League.

Suspensions will be communicated to players/parents by the respective coaches or House League Division convenor. Coaches will receive the instruction from the Select Committee, the House League Committee or the appropriate House League Division Convenor as appropriate.

Players Wanted!

DivisionContactPositionPlayer wantedImport spot available?
Brendan Barry, Coach,
Brendan Barry, Coach,
Allan Small, Coach,

Here we go!


Schedules and arena locations can be found on the North York Hockey League Game Centre.

With Appreciation to

Our Sponsors

As with volunteers, our programs would be nearly impossible to run without the generous financial support of the businesses and individuals in our community. Thank you to all of our Select Sponsors!


Contact Us

Do you have questions? Comments? Want to volunteer? We’re here for you!

For all things Select, you can email

Full Contact List

President – NTHA:
House League & Learn to Play Program:
Skills & LTP:
CDS Program:
Select Program:
GTHL Program:
Head of Referees:
Alumni and Recognition:

174 Orchardview Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1C3