your home for hockey
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Program Info

Making new friends and connections to last a lifetime!

Welcome to your home for hockey!

Since 1965 North Toronto has provided a fun, safe and inclusive house league hockey program that is open to players of all ages and skill levels.

Our house league teams are carefully constructed after several evaluation sessions and rebalanced if required to ensure the most even competition possible. Most important, House League is a fantastic way for everyone to get – and stay – involved in our community as players and parents alike are guaranteed to make new friends and connections that often last for the rest of their lives.

In addition to games, all House League Divisions U13 and younger include a weekly skills session run by paid, professional instructors.

(House League registration is required for all players who intend on trying out for a competitive team in the Competitive Development Stream or Select programs.)

What are "Competitive Development Stream" and "Select"?

House League players born 2017-2019 are eligible to try out for Competitive Development Stream teams and players born 2015 and earlier may try out for Select competitive teams.


What is the time commitment?

U13 and younger divisions have 1 game and 1 skills sessions per week.

U14 and older divisions will have 1 game per week.

When does the season start and end?

House League programming starts in mid-September and runs through to early April.

Will there be games on holidays?

No games or skills sessions are scheduled on Thanksgiving, over the Winter Holidays, on Family Day or during public school March Break.

Costs &

What are the benefits of House League?

Our house league offers a fun, safe and inclusive hockey program that is open to players of all ages and skill levels, with teams that ensure balanced competition. We run evaluation sessions then carefully build teams, readjusting when required. Meanwhile, players aged 12 and under can maximize their development during the additional weekly skills session included in the registration fee.

In addition, games take place on mostly local rinks with predictable, family-friendly schedules which is great for caregivers and siblings.

What about costs?

House League Registration costs $825. Financial assistance may be available. Please contact the registrar.

What's included?

All programs include mandatory Hockey Canada Insurance coverage.

For U9 Divisions and younger:

Dynamic, small-ice games and skills programming that closely follows the latest Hockey Canada Initiation Program mandates.

  • Additional weekly skills sessions with paid, professional instructors.
  • Custom North Toronto-branded team jersey and colour-coordinated hockey socks.
  • Early season warmup/evaluation skates, in-season games and year-end Festival/playoffs with awards.
  • In addition to games, small-ice activities and skill development will take place most weeks.
  • All HL games & skills sessions are scheduled at premier ice facilities in the midtown area.

For U10 – U13 Divisions

  • Additional weekly skills sessions with paid, professional instructors.
  • Custom North Toronto-branded team jersey and colour-coordinated hockey socks
  • Early season warmup/evaluation skates, in-season games and year-end Round-Robin tournament with awards
  • All HL games & skills sessions are scheduled at premier ice facilities in the midtown area.

For U14 and older Divisions

  • Custom North Toronto-branded team jersey colour-coordinated hockey socks.
  • Early season warmup/evaluation skates, in-season games and year-end playoff series with awards
What is the refund policy?

2025-2026 Refund Policy:

All requests for withdrawal from the North Toronto Hockey Association (NTHA) must be made via email to the registrar ( Refunds will only be provided if applicable as outlined below:

Prior to July 31st 2025, players may withdraw and receive a refund of their registration fee minus the non-refundable $150 admin fee. Spots are non-transferable.

As of August 1st 2025, no refunds will be issued for any reason. This includes a player who withdraws their participation voluntarily or involuntarily, including quarantine/isolation orders, the results of virus testing/screening, other virus-related conditions, illness, injury, move of residence or any other reasons, a refund will not be issued. Spots are non-transferable.

Players who are on a Wait List, or who otherwise have their registration declined because their division/session is full will receive a 100% refund.

According to GTHL Rules 7.9 & 7.10, you may be registered with only one hockey club/association at any given time in the Hockey Canada Registry. Any player found to be registered with multiple clubs/associations and who chooses to withdraw from NTHA will be subject to the above refund conditions and timelines, including the $150 non-refundable admin fee. GTHL Rules can be found on the GTHL Website at:

The NTHA reserves the right to modify all programming at our discretion at any time. Some reasons such as, but not limited to, may be in response to local virus outbreaks, virus-related directives from government, directives from our hockey governing bodies, and directives from our arena suppliers. Such modifications may include but are not limited to:

  • Reductions in the number of players on the ice or a reduction in ice time.
    Changes to the times and/or location of program sessions.
    Substituting hockey skills sessions for competitive games.
    Temporary cancellations of program sessions as required.
  • If the program is shut down for public health reasons, we are still obligated to fulfill our contractual obligations, and we cannot guarantee a refund.
  • Should we be unable to provide a program, NTHA reserves the right to cancel the program and provide the participants a partial refund.
  • There will be no refunds for missed ice times due to illness or injury.


What equipment is required?

Once your child enrols in hockey, it will be important to properly outfit your player with the following mandatory equipment:


  • CSA-approved Helmet with wire face mask or Plastic Face Shield
    • Used helmets expire 6.5 years from date of manufacture. Check the labels if using.
  • Hockey Gloves
  • BNQ-Approved Neck Guard
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shin Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Jock / Jill underpants with protective cup
  • Hockey Pants
  • Hockey Skates
  • Hockey Stick

While we show some equipment in NT colours, any colour (usually Black) is fine.


  • Long johns and a thin long sleeve shirt (or pajamas) under equipment will improve comfort and absorb perspiration.
  • Hockey equipment bag, skate guards, water bottle and stick tape.
  • Waterproof labels for all equipment as pieces can get mixed-up in the change room.
Code of Conduct

Please review our Code of Conduct to ensure compliance for both you and your child.

Read full Code of Conduct


Our House League rules are designed to ensure every player enjoys a fun, inclusive and fair hockey experience.

Read full Rules

“The lessons of community and teamwork that hockey teaches have no borders. It’s important to remember why we play hockey, not what level we play.”

Choose Program & Sign Up

Next Steps

1 All programs cost $825. Choose your child’s age division from the list to review the time and locations. You must register your child in the division that corresponds to their birth year.

2 Click on the Register Now! button below and you will be taken to our Secure Payment portal.

3 Registration begins April 1, 2025 at 12:01am.

Program Times and Locations

Division: U7 (born 2019)
  • Two – one hour sessions per week (one game and one skills session).
  • Three tiers of skill level. A, B C, and D. Your tier will determine your times.
  • Players will be evaluated during the first few sessions and assigned a skill level to ensure team and division balance.
  • Small ice activity, skill development will be part of every week.
  • Games will be cross-ice only with small nets and blue pucks.
  • Games held on Saturday mornings to early afternoon.
  • Professional skills instruction sessions will be held on Sunday morning. Rotating times based on tier.
  • Festival in early April 2025 will celebrate the season and hand out awards.
Division: U8 (born 2018)
  • Two – one hour sessions per week (one game and one skills session).
  • Three tiers of skill level. A, B, C and D. Your tier will determine your times.
  • Half ice activity, and some skill development will take place most weeks, and Games will be half/modified ice for the full season, with blue pucks and regular nets.
  • Players will be evaluated during the first few sessions and assigned a skill level to ensure team and division balance.
  • Games will be rotated Sunday morning.
  • Professional skills instruction sessions will be Saturday morning to early afternoon.
Division: U9 (born 2017)
  • Two – one hour sessions per week (one game and one skills session).
  • Four tiers of skill level. A, B,C and D. Your tier will determine your times.
  • Players will be evaluated during the first few sessions and assigned a skill level to ensure team and division balance.
  • Half ice activity, and some skill development will take place most weeks, and games will be half/modified ice for the full season, with black pucks and regular nets.
  • Games held on Saturday afternoon.
  • Professional skills instruction sessions will be held on Sundays mid morning to early afternoon.
Division: U10-11 (born 2015 & 2016)
  • Two – one hour sessions per week (one game and one skills session).
  • Two tiers of skill level. House League and Select caliber. Your tier will determine your times.
  • Re-balancing may take place up to Thanksgiving to ensure balanced teams as much as possible.
  • Games will be rotated and held on Sunday afternoon.
  • Professional skills instruction sessions will be rotated and held on Saturday afternoon.
Division: U12-13 (born 2013 & 2014)
  • Two – one hour sessions per week (one game and one skills session).
  • Teams will be a mix of House League players and Select players.
  • Games will be rotated and held Sunday mornings.
  • Professional skills instruction sessions will be rotated and held Saturday late afternoon/early evening.
  • Re-balancing will take place after the season starts to ensure balanced teams as much as possible.
Division: U14-15 (born 2011 & 2012)
  • Games all rotated and played Saturday evening.
  • Teams will be a mix of House League players and Select players.
  • Re-balancing will take place after the season starts to ensure balanced teams as much as possible.
Division: U16 / U17 / U18 (born 2008 / 2009 / 2010)
  • Games all rotated and played Saturday late afternoon – evening.
  • Teams will be a mix of U16, U17 and U18 players and will have a balance of House League and Select.
  • Re-balancing will take place after the season starts to ensure balanced teams as much as possible.

NT HL Evaluation Schedule

Click To View
DateAgeGroup (last name)Start TimeEnd TimeArena
Please check back – to be determined shortly.

NT CDS Evaluation Schedule

Click To View
DateAgeGroupStart TimeEnd TimeArena
Please check back – to be determined shortly.

Register for the 2022-23 Season!

with appreciation to

Our Sponsors

As with volunteers, our programs would be nearly impossible to run without the generous financial support of the businesses and individuals in our community. We’ll be updating this section with our 2025-2026 season sponsor shortly.  Stay tuned!

The action is online!

NT Live

Registered families can enroll with Game on Stream to watch all the House League action live or on demand — great for grandparents or anyone who can’t make it to the arena. Check here for an enrolment link just prior to the start of games.

Just for House League

Contact Us

Have questions? Want to volunteerFor all things House League, you can email

Full List of Contacts

President – NTHA:
House League & Learn to Play Program:
Skills & LTP:
CDS Program:
Select Program:
GTHL Program:
Head of Referees:
Alumni and Recognition:

174 Orchardview Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1C3